
Property Owners Insurance

Whether you own a single property or portfolio of different properties, we specialise in arranging residential, commercial, industrial and unoccupied property insurance cover.

If you are looking for guidance on who to insure with, what you need to cover, the risks and how to get best value, then do call us.

We have arranged property insurance for a diverse range of property owners, ranging from companies to private individuals and residents’ associations. Blocks of flats, single houses, mixed occupancy buildings, factories and offices and all of varying construction. We have built up a breadth of knowledge and experience within the property market.

The covers available, where relevant, include buildings, contents, loss of rental income, property owner’s liabilities, employer’s liabilities, rent guarantee and legal expenses, engineering inspections & covers for lifts, compressors and boilers, and terrorism, directors & officers liabilities

We have access to a good range of major and specialist providers which normally enables us to obtain some incredibly good value covers. 

Building Reinstatement Valuation service – We also have access to a surprisingly good value established and independent R.I.C.S. regulated valuation service. We make this facility available to all of our clients at a discounted cost.

Looking for help? We are easily contactable. 

We look forward to being of service.